TEI’s seminars are 2-3 days training sessions that focus on a specific area of corporate tax.
TEI annual seminars include its Audits & Appeals, Tax Technology, and Leadership Seminars. TEI also offers its U.S. International Tax, Partnerships, Financial Reporting, Consolidated Returns, and Mergers & Acquisitions seminars approximately every other year.
Eligibility to attend: TEI Events are open to members of TEI and other in-house tax professionals. Individuals engaged in private law, accounting, or other consulting practice, as well as government employees, are ineligible to attend.
May 5-7, 2025 TEI’s Seventh Annual Tax Technology Seminar provides a forum for tax…
| Hyatt Regency Lake Washington-At Seattle's Southport
August 10-12, 2025 If you are a member of TEI’s Board of Directors, a Committee…
| Hotel Champlain, Burlington VT
April 27-29, 2026 TEI’s Eighth Annual Tax Technology Seminar provides a forum for…