TEI conferred Honorary Membership to Eli J. Dicker at its Hybrid 76th Annual Conference. The award recognizes outstanding service to TEI and the tax community. Nominated by International President Mitch Trager, Eli’s accomplishments were detailed in his nomination, below.
We are pleased to share the award presentation and acceptance with you in this linked video.
Eli served the Institute with distinction for more than fifteen years as its Chief Tax Counsel and Executive Director; he has had a distinguished professional career extending over thirty-five years. He currently serves as a Managing Director of National Markets at Crowe LLP.
Eli’s professional experience prepared him well for his service to TEI. He had previously served in government, as an IRS trial attorney and attorney advisor; in private practice, as a tax controversy specialist in KPMG’s Washington National Tax Practice; and as an in-house tax professional for Capital One. Thus, when he joined the TEI staff in March 2005, he was familiar with the types of technical and operational challenges regularly confronted by in-house tax professionals. He brought that perspective along with energy and enthusiasm to his leadership of TEI’s advocacy program and the support for TEI’s legal staff. Eli’s extensive professional network also helped facilitate the Institute’s government liaison activities with federal, state and international tax regulators, and the FASB and MTC.
Eli’s promotion to Executive Director in 2013 enabled him to bring his personal energy, passion, and enthusiasm into more direct contact with TEI members. He traveled extensively for TEI, personally promoting the Institute’s mission of education, networking, and advocacy. He also helped extend TEI’s reach through the chartering of new TEI chapters. Eli never knew a stranger, and his personal efforts on behalf of TEI continue to have a positive effect. In short, he was an outstanding ambassador for TEI around the world.
Eli successfully developed relationships with TEI members from all chapters and regions, and across a wide range of industries, helping to ensure Institute support for and alignment with TEI’s mission. He championed the use of the Institute’s platforms and tools to enhance the tax and non-tax capabilities and competencies of Institute members, as well as helped advance Institute-wide priorities focused on tax technology, diversity and inclusion, and membership expansion.
Finally, when confronted with the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19, Eli worked closely with Institute leadership, staff, members, sponsors, and vendors to convert TEI’s educational programming to a virtual format, ensuring business continuity and protecting the safety of TEI’s members and staff.
Since his departure from the Institute’s staff, Eli continues to be a strong friend and resource to the Institute, its members and staff, serving as a ready resource and sounding board.
Without question, Eli satisfies the criteria for Honorary Membership. He has rendered outstanding service to TEI. He has demonstrated professionalism and leadership, promoted active participation by members, and advanced the Institute’s educational, networking, and advocacy objectives.