TEI Holds Liaison Meeting with the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue

On August 9, 2016, a delegation from TEI's Philadelphia Chapter met with representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. The delegation addressed taxpayer concerns arising from the Department's new corporation tax systems and procedures, such as gaps between assessments of tax, interest, and penalties; failure to notify taxpayers when an amended return or RAR adjustment has been accepted or rejected; and difficulties determining the basis for assessments. In addition to discussing these difficulties, TEI recommended that the Department establish an administrative process via the Bureau of Corporation Taxes to resolve computational and procedural errors without the need to file a petition with the Board of Appeals. Discussions with the Department are ongoing regarding these issues and other guidance the Department intends to issue.

Al Pisanelli and Jeff Rhines, who are members of TEI's State and Local Tax Committee and co-chairs of the Philadelphia Chapter's SALT Committee, led the meeting. A complete summary of the issues addressed at the meeting are contained in a letter provided to the Department.  TEI Tax Counsel Pilar Mata assisted with the preparation of that letter.

Download the letter.
