Membership Auto-Renewal FAQ

  • What is membership auto-renewal?
    Membership Auto-Renewal allows you to have your membership automatically renewed each year without needing to do anything.
  • How does it work?
    Auto-renewal will charge the same credit card each year for your membership dues. You will be sent a receipt just as if you had manually renewed.
  • Is my payment info safe?
    Absolutely. Your credit card information is tokenized and stored in a PCI-compliant manner at the payment processor.
  • How do I sign up?
    Check the box for auto-pay when you pay your renewal invoice. If you’ve already paid for your renewals this year, email us at and we’ll contact you to get you signed up. It’s that easy!
  • What if I need to cancel my auto-renewal due to change of job or other reasons?
    You’ll email letting us know you need to cancel. We’ll email back with confirmation that the action has been taken.
  • Who do I contact if I still have questions?
    Just send a note to with your questions, and someone will get back to you with the answers.