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TEI Urges Changes to Information Reporting for Large Employers and Insurers Required by the ACA

On November 13, 2013, Tax Executives Institute filed comments with the IRS and Treasury Department urging a number of changes to the proposed regulations under sections 6055 and 6056. The proposed rules implement the employer and insurer information reporting requirements under the Affordable Care Act and are critical in the administration of the individual and company shared responsibility payments.

TEI's comments were prepared under the aegis of its Federal Tax Committee's Employee Benefits and Payroll Taxes Subcommittee. The chair of TEI's Federal Tax Committee is Gary P. Hickman of Oldcastle Inc. The chair of the Employee Benefits and Payroll Taxes Subcommittee is David E. Sherwood of Microsoft Corporation. Contributing to the development of TEI's comments were Denise Bergevin of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Minnesota; Robert J. Birch of Wellmark, Inc.; Curtis A. Rouse of John Deere Financial; and Stran T. Summers of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of North Carolina. Jeffery P. Rasmussen of TEI's legal staff coordinated the preparation of the comments.

Download the submission.
