TEI Submits Comments on CAMT Proposed Regulations
On January 16, 2025, TEI submitted comments on the proposed regulations on the Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax ("CAMT"). The Tax Reform Task Force, whose chair is Andreia Verissimo, in coordination with TEI Tax Counsel Kelly Madigan, spearheaded the comments. TEI’s comments addressed foreign tax credit considerations and provided recommendations for adjustments to AFSI related to the treatment of investments in certain financial instruments and the treatment of certain covered recognition transactions, among other concerns.
TEI Comments on the Build Back Better Act’s Corporate and International Tax Reform Proposals
On December 9, 2021, TEI issued a compilation of substantive comments and recommendations concerning select corporate and international tax reform provisions in H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act, as passed by the House of Representatives on November 19, 2021. This submission represents the culmination of several months’ worth of consultation with members of TEI's Tax Reform Task Force and other standing committees, who contributed an array of perspectives and concerns from across the industry spectrum.
TEI Issues Guideposts for Tax Policy in the 117th Congress
On May 11, 2021, TEI officially weighed into the brewing tax reform debate in Washington, D.C., through the issuance of its new Guideposts for Tax Policy. The guideposts are intended to highlight a series of high-priority, broadly applicable principles of sound tax policy to inform the current deliberations in the 117th Congress and Biden administration. They are also intended to lay a solid, principles-based foundation to support TEI’s substantive, issue-focused advocacy activities in the weeks and months ahead. TEI encourages policymakers to adopt these guideposts