Liaison Meetings

TEI Meets with State Commissioners at the Federation of Tax Administrators Midwinter New Commissioners Meeting

On January 11, 2017, TEI Tax Counsel Pilar Mata presented at the Federation of Tax Commissioners’ Midwinter New Commissioners Meeting and met with state commissioners of revenue from around the country. Pilar was invited to provide an overview of TEI’ mission, organization, and anticipated state and local tax priorities for 2017.

TEI Urges the Multistate Tax Commission to Update its Model Statute Governing the Reporting of Federal Income Adjustments

On December 14, 2016, TEI Tax Counsel Pilar Mata, along with Nikki Dobay of the Council on State Taxation (COST), presented at the Multistate Tax Commission’s (MTC) Fall Meeting and urged the MTC’s Uniformity Committee to undertake a project updating its 2003 model statute governing the reporting of federal income adjustments.  Pilar and Nikki noted the problems with current state statutes and the lack of uniformity among states.  They also maintained now would be opportune to update the 2003 model statute because states will soon need to consider how to update their reporting sta

South Carolina Permits Reporting of Federal Income Adjustments Based on TEI Policy Statement

On December 8, 2016, the South Carolina Department of Revenue issued SC Revenue Procedure #16-1, which addresses how corporations may report federal income tax adjustments made by the Internal Revenue Service.  Generally, corporations may report corrections or changes to a previously filed South Carolina return by filing an amended South Carolina corporate income tax return.  However, under SC Revenue Procedure #16-1, corporations may opt to report changes to taxable income resulting from IRS adjustments using a streamlined reporting method, along with a copy of the taxpayer’s fed

TEI Holds 2016 Liaison Meetings with Canada Revenue Agency and the Canadian Department of Finance

On November 15-16, 2016, representatives from Tax Executives Institute, led by 2015-2016 International President for Janice Lucchesi, met with officials from Canada Revenue Agency and the Canadian Department of Finance to discuss tax policy and administrative matters.

The agendas for the meetings on income tax matters were prepared by the Institute's Canadian Income Tax Committee, whose 2016-2017 chair is Paul Magrath of AstraZeneca Canada, Inc. John Schoenecker of the Institute's legal staff coordinated the preparation of its agendas.

CRA and Finance Responds to Questions TEI Posed at November 2016 Liaison Meeting

On November 15 and 16, 2016, members of TEI’s Canadian Income Tax Committee met with members of the Canada Revenue Agency and Department of Finance Canada to discuss various tax administrative and enforcement issues.  CRA and Finance have provided TEI with responses to the questions posed.

Download CRA Responses
Download Department of Finance Responses

TEI Participates in OECD BEPS Public Consultations

On October 11-12, 2016, TEI Tax Counsel Ben Shreck participated in the OECD’s Public Consultations regarding revised OECD guidance on the use of the profit split method for transfer pricing purposes and the attribution of profits to permanent establishments under the OECD’s BEPS Project. TEI’s planned intervention at the Consultation addressed profit split factors. It is expected that the OECD will issue final guidance on these two topics by the end of 2016.

TEI Appointed as Member to the European Commission’s VAT Expert Group

On September 30, 2016, the European Commission reappointed TEI as a member of the VAT Expert Group for a three-year term. The VAT Expert Group was established in 2012 for the purpose of “advis[ing] the Commission on the preparation of legislative acts and other policy initiatives in the field of VAT” and “provid[ing] insight concerning the practical implementation of legislative acts and other EU policy initiatives in the field of VAT.” The VAT Expert Group’s next meeting will take place on October 17, 2016 in Brussels.

TEI Holds Liaison Meeting with the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue

On August 9, 2016, a delegation from TEI's Philadelphia Chapter met with representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. The delegation addressed taxpayer concerns arising from the Department's new corporation tax systems and procedures, such as gaps between assessments of tax, interest, and penalties; failure to notify taxpayers when an amended return or RAR adjustment has been accepted or rejected; and difficulties determining the basis for assessments.

Participants in Region 6/7 IRS Liaison Meeting Gain Invaluable Insights

On June 14, 2016, members from Regions VI and VII enjoyed a wide-ranging and insightful discussion with local and national LB&I executives at the University of Illinois Business Center in Chicago, Illinois. Special congratulations and thanks go out to Region VI leadership, notably RVP Janet Kreilein, who led the planning and organization of this year’s event. LB&I’s recent restructuring and the reengineering of its examination process fostered a lively conversation benefitting both TEI members and LB&I officials.

TEI Holds Liaison Meeting with the British Columbia Ministry of Finance

On May 16, 2016, TEI's Canadian Commodity Tax Committee held a liaison meeting with the British Columbia Ministry of Finance. Jordan Goss, Executive Director of the Consumer Tax Programs Branch; Ann Foy, Strategic Advisor of the Tax Policy Branch; Satish Perhar, Executive Director of the Vancouver District Office; and Bob Scott, Policy and Legislative Analyst of Program Services, attended on behalf of the Ministry.
