TEI Comments on Revised OECD Treaty Abuse Discussion Draft
On June 16, 2015, TEI submitted comments on the OECD revised discussion draft on BEPS Action 6: Prevent Treaty Abuse. The Institute's comments focused on the need for certainty in the determination of when taxpayers will qualify for treaty benefits so businesses can plan their cross-border operations. TEI also noted, among other things, that the proposed changes to the OECD model tax convention will create taxation where none has previously existed, in contravention of the traditional purpose of tax treaties to eliminate double taxation and prevent tax evasion.
TEI Responds to Proposed Amendments to Canadian Nonresident Withholding Rules
On June 12, 2015, TEI submitted comments on the Canadian Government's proposals to provide targeted relief from the withholding and remittance requirements that otherwise apply to non-resident employers of non-resident employees who perform work in Canada. TEI expressed appreciation for the Government's interest in reducing red tape and excessive administrative and tax compliance burdens for businesses, but noted several areas where the proposals fall short.
TEI Comments on BEPS Action 8: CCAs
On May 28, 2015, TEI submitted comments on the OECD BEPS discussion draft Action 8: Revisions to Chapter VIII of the Transfer Pricing Guidelines on Cost Contribution Arrangements (CCAs). The Institute's comments focused on the OECD's new value-based approach to services contributed to a CCA as a departure from the OECD's current transfer pricing guidelines, along with the need for additional examples in the discussion draft, among other things.
TEI Comments on Revised OECD PE Discussion Draft
On May 28, 2015, TEI submitted comments on the OECD revised discussion draft on BEPS Action 7: Preventing the Artificial Avoidance of PE Status. The Institute's comments focused on the need for certainty in the definition of a permanent establishment (PE) in double tax treaties so businesses can plan their operations with an accurate forecast of the amount of tax due. TEI also noted that the proposed changes to the PE definition will significantly broaden its scope and thus increase the compliance and administrative burden on taxpayers.
TEI Comments on FASB’s Guidance on Intra-Entity Asset Transfers
On May 18, 2015, TEI submitted comments to the Financial Accounting Standards Board concerning proposed updates to the FASB’s guidance on intra-entity asset transfers.
TEI Comments on BEPS Action 3: CFC Rules
On April 30, 2015, TEI submitted comments on Action 3: Strengthening CFC Rules of the OECD’s BEPS project. The Institute’s comments focused on the need for the OECD to recommended consistent CFC rules across jurisdictions to decrease the chance of double taxation arising from widespread adoption of the rules and to reduce the compliance and administrative burden on taxpayers and tax authorities, among other things.
TEI Comments on BEPS Action 12: Mandatory Disclosure
On April 29, 2015, TEI submitted comments regarding Action 12: Mandatory Disclosure Rules of the OECD’s BEPS project. The Institute recommended that the OECD adopt an objective, uniform, and limited approach to mandatory disclosure rules to limit the compliance and administrative burden on taxpayers and tax authorities alike. TEI also recommended that the OECD ensure that the benefits of an additional international mandatory disclosure regime outweigh the costs to taxpayers, among other things.
TEI Comments on International VAT/GST Guidelines Addressing the Place of Taxation for Business-to-Consumer Supplies of Services and Intangibles and Supporting Provisions
On February 19, 2015, TEI submitted comments to the OECD regarding two new draft elements of the International VAT/GST Guidelines, entitled Guidelines on Place of Taxation for Business-to-Consumer Supplies of Services and Intangibles and Provisions on Supporting the Guidelines in Practice (Draft Guidelines). TEI's comments emphasized the benefits of a simplified registration and compliance regime for non-resident suppliers of business-to-consumer services and intangibles, as well as the importance of clear guidance from tax authorities to facilitate compliance.
TEI Comments on Modified Nexus Approach Under BEPS Action 5
On February 19, 2015, TEI submitted comments to the OECD’s Forum on Harmful Tax Practices regarding the modified nexus approach to preferential intellectual property tax regimes under BEPS Action 5. The Institute’s letter focused on the fact that the modified nexus approach would require many multi-national enterprises to substantially reorganize their operations to take advantage of preferential tax regimes specifically enacted to attract business and that such reorganizations are costly and may not be undertaken.
TEI Comments on BEPS Action 14: Effective Dispute Resolution
On January 15, 2015, TEI submitted comments to the OECD on its Public Discussion Draft regarding BEPS Action 14: Make Dispute Resolution Mechanisms More Effective. TEI’s comments emphasized the importance of fair, timely, and effective dispute resolution mechanisms to taxpayers as a means to relieve double taxation. The Institute also recommended that double tax treaties include an arbitration process to settle disputes between countries that cannot be settled by the respective Competent Authorities in a timely manner.