TEI Recommends State Tax Reforms to Maryland's Augustine Commission

On September 30, 2015, TEI recommended four state tax reforms that would further the Maryland Economic Development and Business Climate Commission (the Augustine Commission) goals of making Maryland a better place to do business and keeping Maryland competitive in economic and private sector growth and prosperity. TEI recommended: (1) a reduction of the interest rate on underpayments of tax, (2) a legislative directive narrowing the application of the principles espoused in Gore Enterprise Holdings, Inc. v. Comptroller, (3) the more frequent issuance of declaratory rulings to taxpayers requesting guidance regarding Maryland's tax laws, and (4) the publication of all Maryland Tax Court decisions.

TEI's letter was prepared under the aegis of TEI’s State and Local Tax Committee, whose chair is Jamie Fenwick. State and Local Tax Committee member Rick O'Connor and Pilar Mata, TEI Tax Counsel, coordinated the preparation of TEI's letter.

Download the submission.
